Careers information and Guidance in Schools

For further information on the careers programme, please contact Mr Ian Routledge by email on or telephone 01900 898888

Cockermouth School Careers Programme overview:

Mr Routledge (Assistant Headteacher – Careers, Transition and Engagement) has oversight for CEIAG.

The school’s PD (Personal Development) programme, delivered by a specialist team of teachers incorporates many careers-based activities throughout Years 7-11.

Subject leaders are encouraged to provide opportunities for students within lesson time to show direct links to employment opportunities from within their own subject area.

Pastoral leaders are encouraged to regularly share Labour Market Information and to support other careers-based activities and events. 

We are fortunate to have access to the Business Energy Coast Business Cluster. Business School Engagement Events sourced through the cluster and set up with support from Inspira, enable our students to gain a better understanding of the world of work as well as meet local employers who are members of the cluster.

The School has a dedicated Careers Adviser (Mrs Maddocks) who provides high quality, up to date careers advice and guidance for students, offering impartial careers advice, especially around the key transition points across the school.

Students use the Unifrog careers software from Key Stage 3 to explore and develop their knowledge of a range of careers.

Information on apprenticeships, job opportunities, technical education qualifications and the current labour market are shared with students through inviting relevant providers into school, through form tutor bulletins and on Firefly (our VLE).

We usually hold an information evening for students and parents, giving up to date information on changes to qualifications and advice and guidance on post 16 options and pathways alongside a futures event for all Year 11 students. All students in Year 10 complete a week-long work experience programme in the summer term.

The Sixth Form team organise their own futures programme, which runs in Year 12 and incorporates futures assemblies and trips to a variety of universities and access to a range of employers and apprenticeship providers. In addition, they run a successful employability skills day and throughout the year the pastoral programme ensures tutors continually coach their tutees on a range of activities linked to futures.

The use of Unifrog (careers software) to track and map students’ progress continues to engage students, tutors and parents too. In June the team run a futures evening for Year 12 parents giving clear information about university courses, apprenticeships and future career pathways. All Sixth Form students complete a week-long work experience programme.

Information for Students 

Thinking about what to do next? Click here to access the range of resources on firefly that will help you to make decisions about your next steps.

Considering how different subjects link with different careers? Please click here to access resources for each of our subject areas that explain how the work that you do in the classroom may link and support your future career.

Information for Teachers & Staff

All member of staff are responsible for the delivery of and the promotion of careers within our school. Click here to see the guidance that has been shared with colleagues.

Information for Employers

Please get in touch with Mr Ian Routledge by email on or telephone 01900 898888 if you are able to contribute to the school’s careers programme. We are interested in hearing from ex-students or parents too, who can share their experiences with students and support in giving talks to students or in providing interview practice and support for students who are planning for their next steps.

For further information on why you may want to get involved and some information about the kinds of events that you can support, please click here.

Information for Parents / Carers

Thinking about how you can support your child as they consider their next steps? Please click here for our guidance and some useful links.

Please see the Parents Guide produced ahead of National Careers Week here.

Helping your child to navigate their future can be a difficult task and we don’t always have the right information to do this. We would therefore encourage all parents to access this excellent new website which has been created by the Cumbria Careers Hub.

The site includes information about

  • Post 16 Options
  • Tips for Mock Interviews
  • CV and Cover Letter Writing
  • Finances
  • Employment in a wide range of industries across Cumbria
  • FAQs

Information about the Sixth Form Programme

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Gatsby Benchmarks

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks (developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman) highlight what “good careers work” look like. They provide the framework for the way that we organise the careers provision at our school.​

A copy of our Careers Plan and Provider Access Policy for 2024-25 can be found below.

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We are committed to providing our students and their families with the latest Labour Market Information (LMI).

Please see here a booklet that provides a really useful guide to the local labour market.

Please see here headline figures that provide a really useful context for understanding the labour market.

Please see here some useful sources for Labour Market Information.

The level of guidance and support that is needed by each student and their family at different stages of their academic journey is unique and we are keen to tailor our programme and support to the individual.

We offer all of our students (in Years 7-13) access to Unifrog. This provides a wealth of information on careers, apprenticeships and further and higher education opportunities.

Click to log into Unifrog

Click to access Unifrog resource and guides

Careers Education is delivered in a number of different ways within our school. We are developing a “golden thread” approach, so that the delivery of careers is not the responsibility of one person or one department. Students in Years 7-11 receive specific careers lessons within the PD curriculum, but they are also introduced to links to careers within their academic lessons and pastoral time. Students in our Sixth Form receive a tailored programme of careers education which is firmly embedded into the work that they do both within their PHSE time and more widely.

We are committed to ensuring that each of our students receives a number of meaningful encounters with employers and employees. This takes place through a range of assemblies and events that are spread throughout the academic year.

We continue to reach out to employers and employees and we are always interested in welcoming people into our school. If you are interested in speaking to students and would like develop a relationship with our school, please get in touch with our Careers Lead ( and we will discuss the different ways that we can work together moving forward.

Work Experience is taking place in the summer of 2025, for all students in Year 10 and Year 12.

Year 10 students will be in the workplace in the W/B 7 July. Further information about this process is available here.

Year 12 students will be in the workplace in the W/B 14 July. Further information about this process is available here.

We are always keen to hear from employers who are interested in receiving some of our fantastic students for these periods of Work Experience. Please contact the Careers Lead ( if you would like to discuss this further.

We are committed to ensuring that each of our students has a number of meaningful encounters with further and higher education. This takes place by speakers visiting our school, and by our students visiting other institutions.

We have strong links with a range of different providers, but we are always keen to develop new relationships. If you are interested in speaking to students and would like develop a relationship with our school, please get in touch with our Careers Lead ( and we will discuss how we can work most effectively moving forward.

All of our students have the opportunity to receive high quality, independent guidance from our Careers Adviser (Mrs Natalie Maddocks). Appointments routinely take place with Year 11 and Year 13 students, but students in other year groups are able to access this support and are increasingly doing so, through electronic communication and face-to-face meetings during the school day. Any student who feels that they would benefit from additional personal guidance is encouraged to get in touch to receive this advice and support. 

How do we measure the impact of our careers programme on our students?

  • We regularly review and update our careers plan and discuss our strategic objectives as an SLT and with Trustees. 
  • We review our provision by completing a termly Compass Plus review with support from the Enterprise Co-ordinator. 
  • The Careers Leader works closely with the Head of Personal Development, Heads of Department, Sixth Form and Pastoral Teams to continue to develop our careers provision. 
  • We seek teacher, student and parental responses to activities and events. 
  • We seek employer feedback following events and subject specific careers contributions within lessons. 
  • We have regular formal meetings with external agencies and employers, including Inspira and the Careers and Enterprise advisers. 
  • We analyse our school’s destination data and track our students’ careers and enterprise experiences.


Destinations Information

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