Academic Achievement

We work hard to ensure all of our students achieve the very best that they can in their academic studies and we are proud of the results that our students achieve at both GCSE and A level. The progress and attainment of our students consistently shows us to be one of the highest performing schools in the North West. 

Cockermouth School Exams Results

A Level Outcomes and Destinations for 2023

Our average points score for A Level courses in 2023 places our Sixth Form in the top 20% of schools nationally, and the % of students achieving a minimum of AAB grades at A Level places us in the top 10%.

Once again, and most importantly, is how these results enabled our Year 13 students to progress into the next phase of their education, training or employment. The chart below shows the breakdown of destinations for students leaving our Sixth Form in 2023.

We are incredibly proud of the achievements of our students, that is a product of the hard work and commitment of our students, the high levels of academic and pastoral support that students in our school receive every day and, of course, the support that is received from parents and carers.

GCSE Outcomes for 2023

We were delighted that last year’s GCSE results show that we remain the highest performing school in Cumberland. Our Progress 8 score (+0.42) also places significantly above average on a national level.

What we are particularly proud of in these results is that all groups of students, whether they have high, middle or lower prior attainment and those with SEND have made great progress in their five years at Cockermouth School. This is what we really value, as an inclusive and comprehensive school that aims to provide an exceptional learning experience for all those in our school community.

This published data shows the progress that each student has made across 8 GCSE subjects from the scores they achieved in their SATS. The chart opposite shows an illustration of the progress students in our school make when compared to the National and Cumberland average Progress 8 scores.

Progress scores for any school can be viewed here.

Cockermouth School Performance Tables

DfE Guidance on GCSEs

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