Update for students considering Cockermouth School Sixth Form as a destination for September 2025

Thank you for considering our fantastic Sixth Form as your next destination.

We are looking forward to welcoming many of the students who are currently in Year 11 at Cockermouth School, as well as students who are currently being educated elsewhere.

We hope that you will find all of the information that you require to support you, but if you have any questions which are unanswered after visiting this site please email: year11transition@cockermouthschool.org.

We have produced a video "#WhereStudentsExcel" which provides a flavour of our fantastic Sixth Form, and is available to view below.

Subject Information and Entry Requirements

We are now delighted to confirm the courses that will be offered in September 2025 and the entry requirements that will be required for these courses.

Please take some time to consider the Subject Information Booklet, which is available here, as it contains many details that you will find extremely useful.

Please take the time to view our Entry Requirements, which are available here, as it is important to know what you need to achieve in order to be able to start those courses with us.

Choosing the courses that you would like to study

Cockermouth School students will have an assembly with Mrs Fillingham (Pastoral Lead) to find out more about our Sixth Form and specifically to receive information about the things that they should be considering ahead of their choice of courses.

Virtual Transition Process 

We have a virtual process to support the face-to-face information that is provided on our Open Evening. To access the information about the different courses that are available in September 2025, please click here.


We are now accepting Applications to Cockermouth School Sixth Form for September 2025. All Year 11 students currently at Cockermouth School will have access to a Firefly task which will ask you to select the three subjects that you would like to study next year (in order of preference). The form can be accessed here.

If you are a student who is currently studying elsewhere, we would be delighted to receive an application from you. We would ask you to complete our Application form which is below. If you are completing this form electronically please download, complete and return to pastoralsupport@cockermouthschool.org . Alternatively, we are happy to receive postal applications. 

The closing date for applications is Friday 7 February

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Application Form Sixth Form 2024 Editable

Transition Meetings

After half term we will work with you to prepare you for starting life at Cockermouth School Sixth Form from September 2025. You will be invited to an individual meeting to discuss your application. Ahead of this meeting it is important that you have considered your pathway, your attributes and your future goals.

To support students who do not currently attend Cockermouth School with this, we will ask you to complete a personal statement, which we will read in preparation for that meeting.

For further guidance on how to complete this personal statement, please click here.

The closing date for personal statements is Friday 7 March.

Transition Meetings for Year 11 students currently at Cockermouth School will take place between Monday 24 February and Friday 14 March.

Transition Meetings for students who are currently educated elsewhere will commence from Monday 17 March.

We look forward to working alongside all of the students who are interested in joining our fantastic Sixth Form.

We provide a welcoming environment, an outstanding experience in the classroom and a range of brilliant opportunities.


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