GCSE Preferences
We work with all of our Year 9 students to ensure that they have the information that they require to make an informed decision about the subjects that they would like to study during Key Stage 4.

If at any stage throughout this process students or parents have any questions or queries, they should contact us via email year9transition@cockermouthschool.org where they can be assured of a prompt response.

Preference Process
Students will receive a personalised letter to inform them whether they have been placed on the red pathway or the blue pathway. If any student is unsure about this, they should speak to their form tutor to receive a letter and the clarification that they need.

Red and Blue Pathway Booklets are available to view or download at the bottom of this page.

This booklet contains key information about the process, who to contact for specific enquiries and important information about each of the subjects that can be studied from September 2025.

All of our Year 9 students are placed on one of two aspirational pathways, the red pathway and the blue pathway.

Students who are allocated onto our red pathway are advised to study a series of qualifications that will see them working towards the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). This means that they are required to work towards an English, Maths, Science, humanity and language GCSE course. The EBacc is a set of subjects at GCSE that keep young people’s options open for further study and future careers.

Some higher educational establishments, apprenticeship schemes or employers may look favourably on students who have achieved the EBacc and as such whilst we encourage individual choice, we are determined to ensure that our students are making choices that are future proofed and as such we offer this additional guidance to these students.

Students who are allocated onto our blue pathway are given the flexibility of choosing across the full range of qualifications.

A number of blue pathway students may choose to study qualifications that will allow them to follow the EBacc pathway and they are in no way disadvantaged by being placed on this pathway and offered this additional choice. However, this is not an expectation for blue pathway students.

For a small number of blue pathway students, there will be additional support and guidance, as it may not be appropriate for all of our students to study for a full selection of the courses on offer. Members of Cockermouth School staff will work with the student (and the families of those students) directly to ensure that there is an appropriate and tailored curriculum in place for September 2025.

We encourage all of our students to consider potential future careers ahead of their decision around GCSE Preferences.

We have invested in a piece of online software called Unifrog and encourage all of our students to access it. There is a specific task about the preference process that students are encouraged to consider, but there is also a wealth of information on careers, apprenticeships and further and higher education opportunities.

Whilst we fully understand that many students in Year 9 will wish to keep their options open with regard to careers, we feel that it is important for them to be aware of the qualifications that can support potential pathways and prospective employment opportunities.

It can also be informative and motivating for them to start considering the opportunities that present should they be successful when studying particular courses and achieving specific qualifications, be that through entry to further and higher education, apprenticeship or employment.

Some students in the year group will benefit from an individual career’s appointment with our careers adviser (Mrs Maddocks). If other students would like to have an opportunity for an individual career’s appointment, this can be requested by emailing the transition email address.

Information and choosing preference subjects
We have created an area of Firefly which has been designed to support students as they look to make their decision around GCSE Preferences. This provides additional information and guidance from subjects that may help to inform families as we work through this process.

It can be accessed by clicking here.

On this link, from Monday 2 December, will be the preference forms that each student needs to complete.

The deadline for Year 9 preferences to be completed is Friday 10 January 2025.

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