Personal Development

The Personal Development department aims to offer an exciting, stimulating and thought-provoking experience to all students. Personal Development is about the personal, social, moral, spiritual and political development of students and is a vehicle through which we prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life, both now and in the future. We seek to enable students to develop the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. The department is committed to promoting respect, tolerance and a sense of value and equality in the students of Cockermouth School.

Through our Personal Development programme, which is taught as a discrete subject across Years 7-13, we deliver aspects of four subjects: Religious Studies; Personal Social, Health Education; Citizenship and Careers Education. As well as content, much emphasis is placed on the development of skills including communication, resilience, philosophical and critical enquiry, advocacy, empathy and participation.

Key Stage 3

Does the Personal Development Department follow the National Curriculum?


Our Year 7 course opens with an introduction to the PD programme and our first area of focus is ‘Identity’. Students consider who they are, their talents, beliefs and attitudes. From here we explore the relationships students have including family and friendships and address issues such as bullying and peer pressure. It is at this point that we will focus on aspects of puberty and healthy lifestyles. We move onto an exploration of living in the wider world from managing money, careers and the roles our young people play in the school, local and national community. Our Year 7 programme of study draws to a close with a reflection of the Abrahamic faiths.

During Year 8 we broaden the focus to a spiritual, political and ethical exploration of the wider world. We begin the year with an exploration of diversity. We consider how some people and groups are subject to discrimination and the implications this has on the individual and community. This leads onto our second unit of study, Human Rights. Teenage Challenges is the theme of our next area of study, during which we consider the responsibilities that go with getting older and the choices they have to make relating to relationships, staying safe online, and substance use. Having introduced students to the basic tenets of the Abrahamic Faiths in Year 7, in Year 8 we focus on the study of the Eastern Religions before concluding the year with an introduction to philosophical investigations about the existence of God and the origins of the universe.

In Year 9, students are introduced to Religious philosophy and contemplate the existence of God, the relationship between science and religion, the afterlife and the problem of evil. Complementing this philosophical study we turn to an exploration of ethical issues and consider the response of both religious groups and humanists to the issues as well as expressing personal opinion. Law, crime and justice is the overriding theme for the Spring Term; consideration will be given to reasons why people commit crimes and the nature and purpose of punishments. Building on work undertaken in Years 7 and 8, further work will be completed on health and wellbeing. As part of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), focus will turn to an understanding of the age of consent, the risks associated with early sexual activity and child sexual exploitation.

Key Stage 4

Our Key Stage 4 course aims to prepare students for the coming years and life beyond school. We focus on aspects of self- esteem and promote strategies to look after both physical and mental health. We build on aspects of RSE, including pregnancy and parenthood. We examine issues of equality and extremism and provide opportunities to explore issues current at the time. There will be much focus on career paths beginning in Year 7,with preparation for the world of work experience which will extend into Year 11 as we support students in preparation for post -16 applications and interviews.

In relation to both our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 provision, we are always responsive to issues that are arising in our school, local or national community. There may be times when issues arise in the news on a local, national and/or global level and these topics will always be discussed as part of the Personal Development Curriculum.